ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE is delighted to announce the launch of the ARTIST SURFACES AWARD in collaboration with Artist Surfaces @artistsurfaces www.artistsurfaces.co.uk
Three artists will be selected to be highlighted on @artistsupportpledge and receive an artists panel made by Artist Surfaces.
To be considered for this award all you have to do is add #artistsurfacesaward to your #artistsupportpledge post. If you’re selected you’ll be contacted by @artistsurfaces for delivery details.
You can make your post anytime as awards will be made every three weeks. The next Artist Surfaces Award will be announced 17th December 2020.
Do check out @artistsurfaces to see the amazing range and quality of their panels. If you work on panel these are the best.
Due to shipping limitations this is only available to those resident in the UK or Northern Ireland.

Artist Support Pledge is a Not For Profit company (12613409)©️and ™️ 2020 Matthew Burrows all rights reserved.
If you would like to Support the work of ASP please see the Give page at www.artistsupportpledge.com